Workshop “Map your Dreams” for kids and teenagers in school.

NGO „CasaSito” – workshops for teenagers:
- critical thinking
- identity and values
- mapping goals and objectives

NGO „From Houses to Home” – workshops for indigenous women:
- critical thinking
- finding identity
- development of self-esteem
- mapping goals and objectives

NGO „Namaste Guatemaya” –trainings for advisors and mentors, who work with woman and help them to set up and run their own business:
- discovering employees potential
- how to ask right questions – communication and staff development
- „Magic of potential” – based and inspired on Stephen R. Covey’s book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

„Monoloco” restaurants – trainings for managers:
- communication
- motivation and pro-activity
- leadership
- coaching and mentoring as a tool to improve communication and achieving goals